My Story


Hi! I’m Shelby.

I’m a Certified Health and Life Coach, nature-lover, and devoted local coffee shop patron. I was born and raised in Southern California, and graduated from UCLA with a major in Sociology and a minor in Education.

After college I worked at UCLA’s concierge healthcare practice for a couple years before moving to Dallas with my husband to try on the Texas lifestyle. In Dallas I worked at a non-profit dedicated to supporting case workers who work in Child Protection Services.

We made wonderful friends and memories there, but after five years in Texas we decided it was time to start a new chapter in San Diego, CA! Now, when I’m not coaching I spend my days connecting with family and friends, enjoying the beach, and exploring new cities. 

If you have your health, you have everything.

I hold that belief close to my heart after having battled cancer, Hashimoto’s disease, adult onset asthma, gout, chronic full-body hives, fatigue, and horrible gastrointestinal issues at different times in my life. I know what it’s like to be misdiagnosed, mistreated, and given medication as a band-aid for my symptoms. 

But throughout all the uncertainty, fear, and pain I experienced, I also learned I had the power to be my own greatest health advocate. From a young age I started seeing holistic medicine doctors and experimenting with different healing remedies, both of which ignited my passion for health. And when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at 19, it was a wake-up call. It forced me to pay attention to my body, rethink my approach to food and nourishment, and learn how to take better care of myself. While all of this was absolutely necessary for me, it was also empowering and helped set a precedent for what I wanted to prioritize in my life.

Changing my diet helped keep my autoimmune issues at bay for a while, but between the ages of 24 and 27 I was admitted to the ER twice for the worst stomach pain of my life. During my second hospital admission, I was also dealing with the shock and heartache of the death of my closest friend, Michael. He brought joy and light to my life like no one else—he was one of those rare angels on earth. My pain and grief were overwhelming at the time, and over the next few weeks I started to consider how closely linked my physical and emotional health were.  

That experience—combined with witnessing family members deal with everything from diabetes to depression—compelled me to re-prioritize not just my physical health, but my mental and spiritual health, too. I started meditating more, healing emotional wounds, committing to nourishing foods for my body, and saying no to anything that drained my energy. Most importantly, I started to rewire my mind, releasing old patterns of fear and helplessness and working on cultivating gratitude and peace. 

Fast forward a few years and a lot of work, and I was more inspired and determined than ever to help others on their own healing journeys. Eventually, I quit my full-time job and got certified as a Health and Life Coach. Now, I have the honor of working with amazing individuals on their paths to better physical, mental, and spiritual health. What could be more beautiful? 


5 Fun Facts About Me

1. My friends describe me as optimistic, compassionate, and funny

2. My favorite food is gluten-free pancakes

3. When I need a pick-me-up, I always watch “Parks and Recreation” or “The Office.” 

4. Nothing makes me feel more at peace than when I am at the beach

5. The one place I’d travel to again and again is Switzerland.